Bottles of Beer
function Write-BottlesOfBeer {
[int]$bottles = 99
$b='bottles of beer'
$w='on the wall'
$n='no more'
$bottles..1 | %{
"$_ $b $w, $_ $b.`r".Replace('bottles',"bottle$(if($_ -gt 1){'s'})")
"Take one down and pass it around, $(if(($_-1) -ge 1){$_-1} else {$n}) $b $w.`r".Replace('bottles',"bottle$(if($_ -ne 2){'s'})")
if ($_ -eq 1) {
"No more $b $w, $n $b. `r"
"Go to the store and buy some more, 99 $b $w."
I thought I'd have a go at a PowerShell version of 99 Bottles of Beer, to make something slightly nicer for
Slightly lazy code-golf-esque approach, but I think it's a little nicer than the version currently up for PowerShell.
I also wrote Pester testing for it, for the heck of it, as I've been feeling bad about how badly I wrote some tests for a recent technical evaluation. Sigh.
. ($PSCommandPath -replace '\.tests\.ps1$', '.ps1')
$lyrics = (Invoke-WebRequest '').ParsedHtml.getElementById('main').OuterText.Split("`n") | Select-Object -Skip 1
Describe 'Write-BottlesOfBeer' {
Context 'Running without arguments' {
It 'runs without errors' {
{ Write-BottlesOfBeer } | Should Not Throw
It 'gets it right' {
$i = 0
Write-BottlesOfBeer | %{
$_ | Should Be $lyrics[$i]